HGM2005 English HUGO
11:30 〜 13:15
会場 Room B1(2階)
  アプライドバイオシステムズ ジャパン(株)

1)"Future Directions in Research and Technology Development"
Dennis Gilbert, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Applied Biosystems

2)"New Perspectives on Gene Expression"
Kenneth J Livak, Ph.D., Advanced Research & Technology, Applied Biosystems
11:30 〜 13:15
会場 Room D(1階)

"Comparing whole genomes using single DNA molecules"
Dr. Colin Dykes, Chief Scientific Officer and Joseph Shaw, Chief Exective Officer, OpGen Inc.
11:30 〜 13:15
会場 Room B1(2階)

1)"Application of Tiling Arrays to Unravel Hidden Complexities of a Genome"
Philipp Kapranov Ph.D., Staff Scientist, Affymetrix Inc.

2)"Delivering more genotyping power: The road to 500K and beyond"
Keith Jones, Ph.D.,V.P. Molecular Genetics, Affymetrix, Inc.
11:30 〜 13:15
会場 Room D(1階)

"Current application for the Gateway technology"
Jon Chesnut Ph.D. Senior Scientist, R&D, Invitrogen Corp.& Fumio Imamoto  Ph.D. Osaka University
11:30 〜 13:00
会場 Room D(1階)

"Trends in Whole Genome Studies"
Charles Cantor, Chief Scientific Officer, Seguenom Inc.
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