First Announcement

With rough draft of the human genome sequence almost in hand, and with the complete sequence reaching completion as anticipated in 2003, we find ourselves on the verge of a new era of genome analysis, referred to as advanced genomics. The fruits obtained from the genome studies will definitely affect the development of future life-sciences and biotechnologies including medicine, pharmaceuticals, agriculture to name but a few. Such activities clearly require inter-disciplinary collaboration as is typically seen in the development of DNA chip technology and its application, for example, to drug discovery. Nevertheless, it is still in an early stage and requires proper stimulation that, we believe, will be best provided through people meeting regularly, exchanging their views and sharing new ideas. The International Workshop on Advanced Genomics is planned to provide time and space to such a demand and is open to the broadest community as possible. Both the first workshop, "Expression Profiling and Related Technologies," April 1998, and the second workshop, "Genomics and Drug Discovery", April 1999 achieved great success in which hundreds of attendees from academics and industries were gathered from many countries. The quality of lectures, posters, and exhibitions was highly praised.

Now, the organizing committee of the workshop is pleased to announce that the next annual workshop, the third, is scheduled on November 2000 in Yokohama. The main focus of the third workshop is set on Single Nucleotide PolymorphismsiSNPsjfor their applications and related technologies. The organizers wish to maintain the spirit of the preceding workshops by incorporating presentation on emerging technologies and encouraging related discussions. Since SNPs analysis has a strong connection with disease-gene detection, we wish to encourage and channel discussion on these topics in particular. The meeting is currently planned to have 15 to 20 plenary lectures, technology sessions and exhibits, and posters. We are expecting as many as 800 attendants at the meeting and you are cordially invited to join this epoch-making event.
Chairman of the International Workshop on
Advanced Genomics:
Prof. Dr. Kenichi Matsubara
Secretary General

Prof. Dr. Yoshiyuki Sakaki