Poster Application Guide |
Applications for the poster will be acceptable until 24:00 March 31, 2017.
1. ApplicantFYour registration must be completed. On your registration, you will receive a reply from the Secretariat by e-mail. The acceptance number on the e-mail will be required for the poster application. The poster application will be acceptable only by e-mail. E-mail title should be gAdvanceGene Posterh. Please attach 2 files (as mentioned below) and send it to the Secretariat by e-mail.
How to make application form
EDownload and fill in your application form (Excel file)
EFile nameFgYour namehPoster application.xls
EPlease send it as attached file to the Secretariat

How to make abstract
EThe file should be Microsoft Office Word 2003 or later
EFile nameFgYour namehAbstract.doc
EPlease send it as attached file to the Secretariat

One sheet A4
MarginFTop 25mm, Bottom 20mm, Left 20mm, Right 20mm
Please attach g›hin front of the presenter name
ETitleFArial 18pt, bold
EAuthor, Co-AuthorFArial 14pt bold
EAffiliationFArial 12pt
ESummaryFTime New Roman 12pt
Your file will be printed directly on the Abstract. Any change cannot be made after the deadline. You will receive a confirmation mail after your application. If you do not receive your confirmation mail, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat
Your abstract will be acceptable only by e-mail. So please do not send it by Fax.
Secretariat of 12th International Workshop on Advanced Genomics
(Mecenat Travel Network Co., Ltd.)
10-8, Nihombashi-Kodemmacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0001, Japan
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