----- Program ----- |
June 27 (Tue) |
9:50-10:00 |
Opening Remarks 
Sumio Sugano |
10:00-11:00 |
Keynote (Chair: Hiroyuki Aburatani)
"Big Data in Biology: Challenges and Opportunities"
Ewan Birney (EMBL-EBI) |
11:00-13:00 |
Session 1 Population Genomics (Chair: Tatsuhiko Tsunoda)
"Why now is the time to do whole genome sequencing...Clinically"
Howard Jacob (HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology)
"From health to disease with population cohorts and -omics measurements."
Serena Sanna (Cittadella Universitaria Cagliari)
"Genomic loci associated with birth weight identify genetic links between intrauterine growth and adult metabolic disease"
Momoko Horikoshi (RIKEN)
"The TMM150K Genome Cohort Project: Progress of Genome Information Analysis and Future"
Masao Nagasaki (Tohoku University/ ToMMo) |
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch (Poster & Exhibition Break) Meet the Expert |
14:00-16:00 |
Technology Presentation 1 (Facilitator: Naomichi Matsumoto)
"Unlocking the Power of Genomes"
Peter Fromen (illumina, inc.)
"Advancing genomics drop by drop"
Sarah Garcia (10x Genomics)
"Shifting the Cancer Vaccine Development Paradigm: NGS best practices for neoantigen detection and clinical trial implementation" Erin Newburn (Personalis, Inc.)
"Genomics Applications Using the EchoR Liquid Handler" Alex Pierson (LABCYTE INC.) |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee Break (Poster & Exhibition)
16:30-18:30 |
Session 2 Microbiome (Metagenome) (Chair: Ken Kurokawa)
‘Towards population-level microbiome monitoring: the Flemish Gut Flora Project’
Jeroen Raes (KU Leuven)
“The NIH Human Microbiome Project: Catalyst for a new field of research.”
Lita M. Proctor (NIH)
“Microbial adaptation to the extreme environment revealed by genome-centric metagenomics“
Shino Suzuki (JAMSTEC)
"Diversity of bacterial epigenome and its contribution to evolution"
Yoshikazu Furuta (Hokkaido University) |
June 28 (Wed) |
9:30-11:30 |
Session 3 Emerging Technology (Chair: Yutaka Suzuki)
gA Molecular Atlas of Mouse Brain Cell Typesh
Sten Linnarsson (Karolinska Institute)
"Emerging Long Read and Single Cell Genomics Toward Highly Resolved Medical Genomics and Clinical Research"
Robert Sebra (Mount Sinai)
"Disassembling regionalization of neuroectoderm by high-throughput single-cell RNA-sequencing" Itoshi Nikaido (RIKEN)
"Understanding centromeres, metamethylome, and metamobilome using long read sequencing" Shinichi Morishita (The University of Tokyo) |
11:30-12:30 |
Lunch (Poster & Exhibition Break) Meet the Expert |
12:30-14:30 |
Special Session FIND OUT NOW!!
"BD Genomics " Resolve " : A Platform for High Throughput Single Cell Gene Expression Analysis"@Chris Streck (BD Genomics)
"Oncology Applications in Liquid Biopsy - An Emerging Era of Translational Research" Darryl Irwin (Agena Bioscience, Inc. )
"Multiplex analysis of cancer-related gene from LiquidBiopsy samples"
Satoshi Murakami (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Life Technologies Japan Ltd.)
"Novel approach to detect fusion oncogene in FFPE sample"
Shinji Kohsaka (The University of Tokyo) |
14:30-15:00 |
Coffee Break (Poster & Exhibition)
15:00-17:00 |
Session 4 Cancer Genomics (Chair: Tatsuhiro Shibata)
"Genomics of Cancer and its potential clinical applications"
Raju Kucherlapati (Brigham and Womenfs Hospital /Harvard )
"Actionable Genome Sequencing for Precision Cancer Medicine"
Woong-Yang Park (Samsung Genome Institute)
gLibrary-free, Targeted Sequencing of Native Genomic DNA and RNA from FFPE Samples Using Hyb & SeqTM technology – the Hybridization-based Single Molecule Sequencing Systemh
Michael Rhodes (NanoString Technologies, Inc.)
gAdvances of nation-wide genome screening for development of cancer therapeuticsh
Katsuya Tsuchihara (NCC-EPOC)
17:00-18:00 |
(Chair: Sumio Sugano)
"Using Omics and Big Data to Manage Health and Disease"
Michael Snyder (Stanford University) |
18:30-20:30 |
Banquet (Josui-kaikan) |
June 29 (Thu) |
9:30-11:30 |
Session 5 Epigenome/ Nucleome (Chair:Takashi Ito)
"ATAC-ing regulatory variation at the single cell level"
William Greenleaf (Stanford University)
"Dynamic chromatin landscapes during mouse embryonic developmenth Bing Ren (UCSD School of Medicine)
"Tissue-specific Chromatin Structures According to Histone H3 Variants"
Yasuyuki Ohkawa (Kyushu University)
gMulti-omics analysis of cancer cellsh
Yutaka Suzuki (The University of Tokyo) |
11:30-12:300 |
Lunch (Poster & Exhibition Break) Meet the Expert |
12:30-14:30 |
Technology Presentation 3 (Facilitator: Masao Nagasaki)
"Addressing gNGS Dead Zonesh with Third-Generation" Jonas Korlach (Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.)
"Single-Cell RNA Transcriptome Analysis Elucidates Diverse Heterogeneity of Gene Regulation in Cardiomyocytes" Akira Watanabe(Center for iPS Cell Research & Application, Kyoto University)
"A new perspective on genome analysis provided by Next Generation Mapping(NGM) technology
`Irys & Saphyr from BioNano Genomics`" Kenji Uemukai (AS ONE Corporation)
"A Streamlined Informatics Ecosystem for the NovaSeq Series" Mary Olson (Illumina, Inc.)
"High Throughput Single Cell Technology for scRNA-Seq and Individual Cell Characterization"
Juliane Fischer (Dolomite Bio) |
14:30-15:00 |
Coffee Break (Poster & Exhibition) |
15:00-17:00 |
Session 6 Computational Genomics (Chair: Piero Carninci)
“Genomics in the clinic: A revolution for healthcare and medical research” (tentativej
Marcel Dinger (Garvan Institute of Medical Research)
" Personalized medicine approaches based on gut microbiota"
Eran Segal (The Weizmann Institute of Science)
gWhy do we need a better map for our genomes and how we make one.h
Chung -Chau Hon (RIKEN)
"In search for a general law of animal embryonic evolution"
Naoki Irie (The University of Tokyo) |
17:00-17:30 |
Poster Award

Takashi Ito (kyushu University)
17:30- |
Closing Remarks

Hiroyuki Aburatani (The University of Tokyo)